Anarchic Information Manifesto

Since the primordial soup some matter has configured itself into information processors. Globules of carbon amalgamated into lifeforms after a while (around half hour or so/billions of years of statistical mechanics) which went through an array of steps – some call evolution – whereby a multitude of animals came to be. These animals can be found by calling Mrs. Gren. A branch of this animal kingdom are the great apes, who through their complex social interactions developed a complex brain (but not as all encompassing as their complex brains thought).

Information is sent to receptors within the animals brain and then this is relayed into a coherent (or incoherent) framework that can determine if the animal survives. Over generations this trait gets refined and adjusted to meet certain needs, all directed by chance (unless there is an overarching deterministic reality – however unlikely). Within these minds, there are constructed models of the outside world, in various forms. These are influenced by the information passed to the being by other beings, along with their lived experience. Talking and language is the archetypal mode for sharing information, now it is shared freely and instantaneously through communication networks, non-carbon-based.

This reflection reflecting on the reflection can diffuse some of the essential pieces of data that are needed to ensure the main aims (not dying, getting energy/food, replicating) of the replicant are met. Some phantasms of the brain endure for a variety of reasons – often result-orientated, even if the mechanism is not grasped. Some beings are more susceptible to concocting fairy tales and following moralistic platitudes. Tyrannical beings want to mould the world into their image but these could never have any power without the cooperation of their underlings. Reiterating their bilious spasmodic projections into the convulsive sea of absorbent organisms until the splash-back either shifts the assemblage to a different plane or takes out the propagator.

There is no overarching goal for individual beings and might not be for the whole. Only information retrieval is necessary – for further iterations. Everyone’s goals come from conditioning, self-awareness and necessity. Some try to keep information secret for various reasons and concoct elaborate fables on how the situation came to be or how it can never be anything else. Faith is nothing more than threads of intertwined neurons, where electric impulses flow with little resistivity.

Organic is natural some say but everything that has been created is possible, just a rearrangement of matter. Using our knowledge can help shape the environment and be beneficial to all beings. Like error always being cumulative, the more beings within an environment should lead to more information being parsed and diffused. Examples are when birds flock before a storm or raised hair on cats when startled. Common but divergent ancestral traits can benefit a community of beings.

What is luck? When something outside of the scope of your abilities to react has a negative or positive effect on an outcome within certain parameters. Circumstances not thought of beforehand and not protected against, or which you could never foretell. Or variance—slight deviations from the normal that don’t correlate with implied outcomes.

The non-caring aspect, no empathy for other beings, is within all of us. Either directly through DNA (even if its only a small % of population or % of the encoded string) or how we compartmentalise the other – if it doesn’t directly effect us (even tangentially as when another language is spoken) then we don’t fully take on-board their problems or pain. This might be OK in certain situations, to avoid over stimulation of emotions, rendering the subject ineffectual in their more immediate surroundings.

No emotions is not optimal; the cues, the response to stimuli of an overwhelming predicament that can break you down. The cry is a release due to something you cannot control. Attempting to become a God/King/Ruler and deceiving yourself that you can control everything. Impossible, as there have been no everlasting beings, empires, states or minds. They collapse, retreat or fragment and often accomplish the opposite of what they set out to do. Compassion and mutual aid will be beneficial to societies, as each singular being will never know when help is needed for themselves and reciprocated. The total can approximate more than the sum of parts.

Did feelings evolve so we could be aware that we’re minuscule in the cosmos? As social beings, feelings or lack of them, helps us to maintain relations. If non-feeling beings parasitically use feelings to direct their fellows to non-beneficial actions for the overall system, then measures should be in place to detect, stop and amend the activity. These have to be self-correcting and robust, done via consensus.

An error often perpetuated is that isolated concrete things exist, nearing Platonic forms as eternal noumenon. This can lead to limited thinking. When properly considered, all phenomenon acts more as flows or flux, different systems combining and interacting through time. Living beings can be viewed as temporal eddy currents of entropy, always replicating in an expanding energy system to suppress the eventual dissipating into nothingness.

Within a human brain are 100 billion neurons. Despite advances with computing power, brains are still more durable (60-90+ years depending on environment) and flexible than most computers. Mind is an emergent property of matter (so perhaps a general self-awareness has occurred within silicon computers). We have imparted our understanding of our own minds (not perfect) into these machines to get similar effects. Like giving birth to another substance’s child and trying to encourage it to run in its gangly way.

Some nodes might have an idea of the overall system. Systems created hundreds of years ago are perpetuated by ones who enjoy directing others or not exerting energy due to the system in place, also habit… Brushing your teeth and washing hands are good habits, we should develop similar habits that clean the brain. Lots of rest, sleep and a variety of food should help. Possibilities for the future are imagined, both detrimental and optimistic. All contribute to actions.

Sport is sublimated war, a good way to keep vital systems functioning without death for competitors. An enormous amount of resources are used each year to project force while maintaining property relations. Assembled massive arsenals to dissuade other gangs to take what you have taken from or built upon the labour of others. Tools created by higher minds and used by some less advanced minds to abuse and display.

No one is in control, groupings of beings tend to follow their like-minded communicators to instigate their own stories. These groupings can direct others, either through force or smoke and mirrors. Religious zealots have often fabricated a constrictive framework for adherents to follow. Trying to distil the belief that following the word – actions in line with moralistic tales – will lead to salvation; not always in this life. Thus the leadership has its flock, willing beings to sacrifice to the imaginary Gods.

We never know when or who some might say are marginal beings, could contribute to solve a particular problem, no matter how small their part. Connectivity and networking can increase the efficiency of a system and provide safeguards for protecting against total annihilation. It would be sensible to get the highest amount of well-nourished (physically and mentally) beings into existence and work out solutions to the impending collapse. Not based on illusionary tokens but on actual energy consumption and production. Some solutions are already practicable and in existence – biochar, permaculture, cryptocurrencies and stopping planned obsolescence – and some are on the cusp (as always) – fusion, avoiding work for works sake.

And if it’s called evolution, then evolve. Evolve away from mass destruction and advance cooperation. This is not a utopian dream, this is a rearrangement of what has always been.